Class Projects

Week 1: First Webpage
Class index page | Your Already Here :)
Week 2: Intro to HTML W/ Page markup
Black Goose Bistro | Index
Week 3: Cascading Style Sheets, (CSS)
Black Goose Bistro | Index
Black Goose Bistro | Bistro Menu
Black Goose Bistro | Bistro News
Black Goose Bistro | Bistro Recipies
Week 4: Links. The main navigation tool!
Jens Kitchen | Index
Jens Kitchen | About Us
Jens Kitchen | Salmon Recipe
Jens Kitchen | Tapenade Recipe
Jens Kitchen | Couscous Recipe
Jens Kitchen | Linguine Recipe
Weeks 5 & 6: Mid Terms!! Spring Fling
Spring Fling | Index page
Spring Fling | Gallary
Spring Fling | Itinerary
Spring Fling | About us
Week 7: Transitions
exercise 18-1: Menu Items
exercise 18-2: Photo Transitions
Week 8: Tables
Exercise 8: Creating tables
Week 9: Forms
Exercise 9: Ordering a Pizza
Week 10
Exercise ch21.1
Exercise ch21.2
Exercise ch21.2 - extended
Week 12
Exercise: iframes

Term Dictionary

Item I
Item II
Item III
Item IV
Item I
Item II
Item III
Item IV
Item I
Item II
Item III
Item IV
Item I
Item II
Item III
Item IV